Global Wealth Fund
A global and diversified portfolio to grow wealth in the long-term
Why the Global Wealth Fund?​

A global and diversified approach by investing in different asset classes and managers through a single strategy
Actively Managed​
An actively rebalanced portfolio to capture strategic and tactical opportunities across the most varied regions, themes and asset classes
Report, analysis and researches from top-tier global financial institutions
Global Expertise​
For over 30 years, we have been based in Geneva managing investments globally for ultra-high net worth investors
Investments Opportunities
No asset class
wins every year
We stay on track without getting carried away by emotion

Global markets
delivered solid returns
Global markets offer diversity and liquidity across several strategies
Preserving your
wealth globally
Families and individuals diversifying in global markets are protecting their wealth

Investment processes that incorporate ESG factors
Our due diligence processes take into account the exclusion of non-responsible assets and practices